1. Parsa
  2. اینترنت
  3. سه شنبه, 13 خرداد 1393
در مورد این سایت چی میدونید؟:(
حسین :) بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
ideasUK - Who Are We?

IdeasUK is the country’s foremost association for the promotion of employee involvement programmes. We are a not for profit organisation (a registered charity) that was founded in 1987, aimed at assisting organisations - in both the Public and Private sector - to develop robust ideas programmes and to provide a forum for membership networking.

It is our firm belief that in these challenging times, quality ideas can significantly help a business become leaner, as well as helping the front line staff make a real difference to the overall objectives of the organisation. Our 2011 Annual Survey highlighted the following benefits amongst our membership

Cost savings of over £100m with the average implemented idea worth £1,400.00.

Return on Investment of at least 5:1.
Employee involvement increased with average participation rates of 28%

We do not receive any formal funding from government or business and are not considered to be consultants, but a business advisory service. We are a membership organisation with around 100 members’ worldwide (organisations such as Boots, HSBC, Ministry of Defence and Dubai Aluminium) and have worked with many times that number over the years to establish successful ideas programmes.

The executive board of ideasUK is made up of experienced ideas management practitioners, each with their own ‘day job’. Through ideasUK, we can support other organisations to design, develop and manage staff involvement programmes.

By joining ideasUK you will have access to on-going support in developing your staff suggestion scheme through our wide network of ideas professionals, as well as the opportunity for recognition of your organisation through ideasUK Accreditation.

This year our Annual Conference will be held at the Mercure Holland House Hotel in the city of Cardiff, Wales. It offers you the ideal opportunity to meet other innovation professionals, learn how employee driven innovation can transform your business and start the journey of continuous improvement.

We are designing our conference programme this year to appeal to you whether you are an experienced ideas scheme manager, just starting down the road of employee driven innovation or just want to find out more about what is involved in creating a staff involvement programme. The conference culminates in an awards ceremony, where the ideasUK Idea of the Year for 2013 will be revealed. – last year the winner was from Ministry of Defence.

I look forward to seeing you in November.

Yours sincerely

Andy Beddows
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
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Parsa بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
یعنی می تونم تو اینجا ایده پردازی کنم؟ (ثبت ایده)
مطمئن هست؟
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حسین :) بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
فکر کنم دنبال ایده های سرمایه گذاری و تجارت می گرده!
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
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Parsa بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
حالا اگه امن هست ، ایده رو ثبت کنم...
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حسین :) بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
نمی دونم بخدا
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
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Parsa بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
کلا جایی هست که برای ثبت ایده های کامپیوتری امن و کارآمد باشه؟
سوال دیگه این که چه جوری ایده رو می تونم با یه جایی مثل اپل یا مایکروسافت در میون بزارم؟
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حسین :) بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
چجور ایده هایی؟
اینجا فکر نکنم محل مناسبی برای ایده های تکنولوژی باشه!
اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج
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Parsa بهترین پاسخ Pending Moderation
مثلا سیستم عامل
من اشتباه کردم تو سایت ایده های برتر ثبت نام کردم ، فکر کنم کلاه بردار بودن ، سایت تعطیل شد
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